Koroška Central Library Dr France Sušnik, Ravne na Koroškem

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Koroška osrednja knjižnica Dr Franca Sušnika, Ravne na Koroškem
Phone386 (0) 2 870 5421

Koroska Central Library Dr France Susnik 2019 Facade Photo Kaja Brezocnik.jpgKoroška Central Library Dr France Sušnik, Ravne na Koroškem, 2019.

Named after Dr Franc Sušnik, who ran the library for the first three decades of its existence, Koroška Central Library performs the tasks of a regional library. In 1949 a study library was established together with Ravne Grammar School in Ravne Castle. Today this library has more than 8,000 registered readers and holds more than 250,000 library items. It heads a network of 9 branch libraries in the Mežiška Valley: Kotlje, Prevalje, Žerjav, Črna na Koroškem, Podpeca, Strojnska reka, Strojna, Leše, and Mežica. The library is the seat of the Library Association of Koroška.

Collection and activities

As a public library it is organised to suit different groups of users, and besides various cultural and literary events, it also hosts diverse thematic exhibitions, workshops for children, and lifelong education courses.

The library puts great focus on collecting old books and materials, having established the local collection department already at the very beginning. The collection comprises around 9,700 units including books, articles, pamphlets, audio-visual materials, periodicals, photographs, postcards, bibliographies, and manuscripts. One of the most valuable books in the collection is Jurij Dalmatin's translation of the Bible from 1584.

The library also houses the Prežihov Voranc (1893–1950) and Leopold Suhodolčan (1928–1980) memorial rooms dedicated to 2 renowned Slovene authors. International cooperation is established with Slovene institutions in nearby Austria.

Studio AKKA Koroska Central Library.jpgA courtyard of the Koroška Central Library at Ravne na Koroškem, conceived by Studio AKKA

See also

External links


Koroška osrednja knjižnica Dr Franca Sušnika, Ravne na Koroškem +
46.542 +
Koroška osrednja knjižnica Dr Franca Sušnika, Ravne na Koroškem +
14.957 +
SI-2390 Ravne na Koroškem +
Na gradu 1 +
Named after Dr Franc Sušnik, who ran the library for the first three decades of its existence, Koroška Central Library performs the tasks of a regional library. +
Named after Dr Franc Sušnik, who ran the library for the first three decades of its existence, Koroška Central Library performs the tasks of a regional library. +
+386 / 2 870 5421 +
Ravne na Koroškem +
SI-2390 +
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